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Unknown Case
Authored By: Keith Fischer and Archana Kantawala.
Patient: 39 year old
History: 39 year old patient: with right hip pain. The patient noticed the pain at home after her son jokingly picked her up and put her down.
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Fig. 1
Plain films at the time of presentaion to the ER.

Fig. 2

Fig. 3

Fig. 4

Fig. 5
PET-CT for staging.

Fig. 6

Fig. 7
PEt-CT demonstrating widespread metastatic disease.

Fig. 8
Plain films 4 months after intitial presentation

Fig. 9
CXR showing diffuse metastatic disease with mediastinal lymphadenopathy.

Fig. 10
Ct showing a large thrombus burden with bilateral pulmonary emboli

Fig. 11
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Additional Details:

Case [View Case with Diagnosis]Owner(s): Keith Fischer and Archana KantawalaLast Updated: 02-04-2013
Anatomy: Other   Pathology: Neoplasm
Modality: CT, Conventional Radiograph, MR, Nuc Med, PETAccess Level: Readable and writable by Nuclear Medicine only
Keywords: bsnm, psnm

Case has been viewed 9 times.
Certified by Keith Fischer on 02-04-2013

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