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Unknown Case
Authored By: Keith Fischer and Livnat Uliel.
Patient: 47 year old male

47 year-old man with cholangiocarcinoma and progressive generalized weakness admitted with altered mental status. The patient's left kidney was surgically resected (no additional information available).

The following study was requested to evaluate metastatic disease. Describe the findings. What additional clinical information will be relevant for the interpretation of this study.

Presented whole body bone scintigraphy study (Figure 1 and Figure 2).

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Fig. 1
Figure 1

Fig. 2
Figure 2

Fig. 3
Figure 3

Fig. 4
Figure 4
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Additional Details:

Case [View Case with Diagnosis]Owner(s): Keith Fischer and Livnat UlielLast Updated: 02-07-2013
Anatomy: Skeletal System   Pathology: Metabolic
Modality: CT, Nuc Med, OtherAccess Level: Readable by all users, writable by NucMed Certifiers
Keywords: hypercalcemia, bone scan

Case has been viewed 9 times.
Certified by Keith Fischer on 01-23-2013

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