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Unknown Case
Authored By: Garima Agrawal and Farrokh Dehdashti.
Patient: 34 year old female
History: 34 year old woman with T2 N0�follicular papillary carcinoma, status post total thyroidectomy and neck dissection. The patient received 100 mCi of I131radioactive ablation�5 days prior to the day of whole body I131 scintigraphy.
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Fig. 1
Whole body I131 scintigraphy (Anterior and posterior projections).

Fig. 2
Spot views of face and neck.

Fig. 3
Spect-CT images acquired a day after the whole body planar scintigraphy. Coronal spect images through the neck.

Fig. 4
Spect-CT images at the level of thyroid gland resection bed.

Fig. 5
Spect-CT images at the level of thyroid gland resection bed.

Fig. 6
Spect/CT images at the level of hyoid.

Fig. 7
MPR reconstruction of Spect-CT images.
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Additional Details:

Case [View Case with Diagnosis]Owner(s): Garima Agrawal and Farrokh DehdashtiLast Updated: 02-07-2013
Anatomy: Face and Neck   Pathology: Neoplasm
Modality: CT, Nuc MedAccess Level: Readable by all users, writable by NucMed Certifiers
Keywords: trnm, thyroid scintigraphy, thyroglossal duct, functioning thyroid tissue

Case has been viewed 26 times.
Certified by Farrokh Dehdashti on 11-21-2011

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