Fig. 1 |
FDG-PET demonstrates markedly increased FDG uptake in the large soft tissue mass in the right lower abdomen and pelvis that is associated with lytic permeative destruction of the right iliac bone. Diffuse bone marrow uptake with more focal increased FDG uptake in several bones involving in the bone marrow throughout the skeleton, with more focal FDG uptake in the L3 and L4 vertebral bodies, left proximal femur, right proximal humerus, as well as left proximal humerus, and right scapula. There is mild focused increased FDG uptake in the right seventh rib anteriorly. |
Fig. 2 |
FDG-PET/CT demonstrates markedly increased FDG uptake in the large soft tissue mass in the right lower abdomen and pelvis that is associated with lytic permeative destruction of the right iliac bone. |