Fig. 1 |
The posterior abdominal radionuclide angiogram demonstrates normal perfusion to the left kidney. The right kidney is ptotic and appears smaller than the left kidney. |
Fig. 2 |
Sequential renal images show the left kidney to be of normal size and morphology. the right kidney appears smaller than the left and is ptotic, again likely related to a large right pleural effusion displacing the right-sided abdominal viscera inferiorly and anteriorly. Activity in the right renal parenchyma increases slowly during the intial 20-minute imaging sequence, and no tracer is seen in the right-sided collecting system. |

Fig. 3 |
The renogram curves show poor function of the right kidney. |
Fig. 4 |
On a post-void image and on anterior and posterior 60-minute delayed images, there is persistent renal parenchymal activity bilaterally. Again, no activity was seen in the right collecting system. |

Fig. 5 |
4.5 hours delayed images demonstrate persistent retention of tracer in the right renal parenchyma and faint persistent parenchymal retention on the left. However, some activity is now seen in the right collecting system and in what appears to be a dilated, tortuous right ureter. |
Fig. 6 |
Axial CT images demonstrate marked, new hydronephrosis of the ptotic right kidney. |

Fig. 7 |
A right-sided was placed after the diagnosis of obstruction was made. |