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Unknown Case
Authored By: Xiaoni Hong and Barry Siegel, Prof of Radiology.
Patient: 15 year old female
History: 35-year-old woman with sepsis and hypoxia.  The patient is on a ventilator.  Evaluate for pulmonary embolism.
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Fig. 1
This is a portable study performed in the intensive care unit. The upper row is aerosol ventilation imaging. The lower two rows are perfusion imaging. The Tc-99m DTPA aerosol images show absence of ventilation to the entire left lung, except for a small region centrally. There is well-maintained perfusion to the entire left lung.

Fig. 2
Portable chest radiographs show misplacement of endotracheal tube into the right main bronchus at 1:40. There is significant left-sided atelectasis.
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Additional Details:

Case [View Case with Diagnosis]Owner(s): Xiaoni Hong and Barry Siegel, Prof of RadiologyLast Updated: 02-07-2013
Anatomy: Other   Pathology: Other
Modality: Nuc MedAccess Level: Readable by all users, writable by NucMed Certifiers
Keywords: vqnmACR: 60000.12176

Case has been viewed 60 times.
Certified by Barry Siegel on 06-09-2009

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