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Unknown Case
Authored By: Andrew Homb and Jerold Wallis, Assoc Prof of Radiology.
Patient: 52 year old male

52 year-old man with metastatic colorectal cancer. 




 Figure 1




What therapy can be offered to this patient?



Figure 2

Figure 3

Figure 4


How and why do we perform this study? Interpretation?



Three Weeks later


The patient was treated with Y-90 microspheres to the right hepatic lobe.  


Immediately after Y-90 microsphere treatment another MAA injection was performed into the replaced left hepatic artery to evaluate previously described esophagogastric junction tracer activity, attributed to reflux into the left gastric artery.



Figure 5

Figure 6

Figure 7

Figure 8

Figure 9





What artifact is present and what is its cause?


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Fig. 1
Axial CT

Fig. 2
Hepatic perfusion scintigraphy (Initial study prior to treatment)

Fig. 3
Hepatic perfusion scintigraphy (Initial study prior to treatment)

Fig. 4
Hepatic perfusion scintigraphy (Initial study prior to treatment)

Fig. 5
Hepatic Perfusion (Three weeks after the initial study)

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MIP cine of SPECT Hepatic Perfusion (Three weeks after the initial study)

Fig. 7
Hepatic Perfusion (Three weeks after the initial study)

Fig. 8
Hepatic Perfusion (Three weeks after the initial study)

Fig. 9
Hepatic Perfusion (Three weeks after the initial study)

Fig. 10
Hepatic perfusion camera setup and Yttrium information (Y-90 and other isotopes)
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Additional Details:

Case [View Case with Diagnosis]Owner(s): Andrew Homb and Jerold Wallis, Assoc Prof of RadiologyLast Updated: 02-07-2013
Anatomy: Other   Pathology: Iatrogenic
Modality: Nuc MedAccess Level: Readable by all users, writable by NucMed Certifiers
Keywords: hpnm

Case has been viewed 61 times.
Certified by Jerold Wallis on 07-28-2010

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