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Unknown Case
Authored By: Andrew Homb and Jonathan McConathy.
Patient: 31 year old male

31 year-old man presenting to the emergency department with:


Cough and blood tinged sputum (2 weeks)

Dypsnea (1 week)

3 pillow orthopnea (1 week)

Paroxysmal nocturnal dyspnea


All of these symptoms have been intensifying over the past 2 days


Chest radiograph on presentation


Figure 1




Echocardiogram after pericardial drainage


Figure 2: 4 Chamber

Figure 3: 4 Chamber Doppler (MV plane)

Figure 4: RVOT

Figure 5: RVOT Doppler




What nuclear medicine study may be helpful? 


Figure 6

Figure 7

Figure 8

Figure 9

Figure 10

Figure 11

Figure 12

Figure 13


Interpretation and next step in management?



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Fig. 1
Frontal Chest Radiograph

Multimedia: 245546_2_submitted.avi
4 Chamber Echocardiogram

Multimedia: 245546_3_submitted.avi
4 Chamber Doppler Echocardiogram

Multimedia: 245546_4_submitted.avi
RVOT Echocardiogram

Multimedia: 245546_5_submitted.avi
RVOT Doppler Echocardiogram

Multimedia: 245546_6_submitted.avi
Rotating PET

Fig. 7
Coronal PET

Fig. 8

Fig. 9

Fig. 10

Fig. 11

Fig. 12
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Additional Details:

Case [View Case with Diagnosis]Owner(s): Andrew Homb and Jonathan McConathyLast Updated: 12-07-2011
Anatomy: Cardiopulmonary   Pathology: Neoplasm
Modality: Conventional Radiograph, US, PETAccess Level: Readable by all users, writable by NucMed Certifiers
Keywords: primary cardiac lymphoma

Case has been viewed 31 times.
Certified by Jonathan McConathy on 04-20-2011

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