Specific Discussion: Meckel's diverticulum was initially described by Fabricius Hildanus in 1598. Later on during 1808 and 1820, Johann Friedrich Meckel demonstrated its origin as a failure of vitelline duct to obliterate during fetal development. It is the most common congenital anomaly of small intestine. Usually presents at an earlier age, commonly younger than 2 years of age and effects 2% of population. It is more common in males. It is usually 2 cm in length and width. Complications include, bleeding, bowel obstruction, volvulus, intussusception, inflammation, perforation, benign tumor such as leiomyomas, angiomas, neuromas, lipomas and malignant tumors namely, sarcoma, carcinoid and adenomcaricnomas.
This case represents an example of bleeding Meckel's diverticulum
Jonathan Sehy