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Authored By: Xiaoni Hong and Tom Miller.
Patient: 9 month 25 day old male
History: Nine month-old male with a renal abnormality on an outside ultrasound examination.
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Fig. 1
Sixty-second angiographic phase.

Fig. 2
20-minute dynamic images.

Fig. 3
renal curves

Fig. 4
Diuretic dynamic images.

Fig. 5
Lasix curves

Fig. 6
Ultrasound examination.
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Radiopharmaceutical: 1.1 mCi Tc-99m MAG3 i.v. and 9 mg furosemide i.v.


Renal scan: There is a horseshoe kidney with normal perfusion, uptake, and eventual clearance with no evidence of obstruction after diuretic administration.

Ultrasound: 2 distinct functioning kidneys, one on each side of the midline, connected at the lower poles by an isthmus of functioning renal parenchyma.

Diagnosis: Horseshoe kidney without obstruction.
General Discussion: This 9-month-old male has right-sided hydronephrosis and a horseshoe kidney discovered on a recent ultrasound examination.

Discussion: The estimated incidence of a horseshoe kidney is one in 500 live births. It is more common in males. Patients are predisposed to a higher incidence of disease including obstruction, stones and cancer. The most common associated finding is UPJ obstruction, seen in 35% of patients. The prevalence of stones ranges from 20-60%. Urinary stasis and stones predispose to infection.
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Private Notes: This case was done with the help of the radiology resident Mike Smith.
Additional Details:

Case Number: 79253Owner(s): Xiaoni Hong and Tom MillerLast Updated: 02-07-2013
Anatomy: Other   Pathology: Other
Modality: Nuc MedAccess Level: Readable by all users, writable by NucMed Certifiers
Keywords: horseshoe kidneyACR: 80000.14210

Case has been viewed 82 times.
Certified by Jerold Wallis on 06-18-2010

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