Patient: 59 year old female |
History: HISTORY: 59-year-old woman with peptic ulcer disease with an associated jejunal ulcer and recent hematochezia and hypotension. Evaluate for site of active bleeding. |
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Findings: RADIOPHARMACEUTICAL: 27.1 mCi Tc-99m in vitro labeled red cells i.v.
FINDINGS (SCINTIGRAPHY): Sequential anterior and posterior abdominal images were obtained through 60 minutes (Additional anterior images, not shown, were obtained through 90 minutes. The radionuclide angiographic phase demonstrates extensive venous collaterals. There is an attenuation artifact overlying the spleen on the anterior images. No abnormal foci of labeled red cell extravasation are seen.
FINDINGS (COMPUTED TOMOGRAPHY): A single oblique coronal computed tomographic image demonstrates marked enlargement of the azygos venous system. There is obstruction of the superior vena cava just inferior to the azygos arch. |
Diagnosis: No evidence for active gastrointestinal bleeding.
Extensive venous collaterals compatible with known superior vena cava obstruction.
Attenuation artifact overlying the spleen on the anterior images attributable to a telemetry monitor. |
Comments: No comments posted. |
Additional Details:
Case Number: 298646Owner(s): kwinkl01 and Barry Siegel, Prof of RadiologyLast Updated: 02-07-2013 The reader is fully responsible for confirming the accuracy of this content. |