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Authored By: Farrokh Dehdashti and O'Neil Lee.
Patient: 65 year old male
History: Known history of coronary artery disease (s/p distal LAD stent placement 7 months prior to presentation). Now presents with chest pain and dyspnea on exertion. Adenosine stress test was positive.
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Fig. 1
Myocardial perfusion imaging (stree/rest)

Fig. 2
Myocardial perfusion imaging (stree/rest)

Multimedia: 105494_3_submitted.avi
Cardiac catherization of left coronary artery (please click on 105517.avi - it may take a while to load the images).
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Findings: 1. Myocardial perfusion imaging: Small to moderate sized, moderate severity, reversible perfusion defect in the apex.

2. Cardiac catherization: 50% distal main left coronary stenosis (near the origin of circumflex and LAD), followed by 75% stenosis of proximal LAD.
DDx: Not applicable
Diagnosis: 1. Myocardial perfusion: Mild to moderate sized apical ischemia of moderate severity.

2. Cardiac catherization: 50% stenosis near left main coronary artery bifurcation, 75% stenosis in proximal LAD. Coronary bypass surgery recommended, given the stenosis near the origins of LAD and circumflex.
General Discussion: This case is an example of hemodynamically significant stenosis in the left main and proximal LAD with only a small distal territory ischemia on the myocardial perfusion imaging. The actual degree of stenosis can be more severe and more proximal than the observed ischemic territory seen on the myocardial perfusion imaging. The converse,  (i.e. seeing more significant ischemia / territory on myocardial perfusion imaging than corresponding angiographic stenosis), can also be seen in some cases (see Case 105214).

This patient was treated with a LIMA to LAD bypass as well as a radial to obtuse marginal bypass. He was discharged 1 week following the bypass surgery in good condition.
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Additional Details:

Case Number: 105494Owner(s): Farrokh Dehdashti and O'Neil LeeLast Updated: 02-07-2013
Anatomy: Cardiopulmonary   Pathology: Vascular
Modality: Nuc Med, AngiographyAccess Level: Readable by all users, writable by NucMed Certifiers
Keywords: coronary atherosclerosisACR: 50000.76000

Case has been viewed 63 times.
Certified by Farrokh Dehdashti on 07-07-2008

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