Case Author(s): Samuel Wang, M.D. and Farrokh Dehdashti, M.D. , 5/18/97 . Rating: #D2, #Q3
Diagnosis: Pseudomembranous colitis.
Brief history:
43 year old man on
hemodialysis with persistent fevers and
Delayed 24 hour anterior and posterior images.
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Delayed 24 hour spot images.
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CT of the abdomen and pelvis.
Full history/Diagnosis is available below
Diagnosis: Pseudomembranous colitis.
Full history:
43 year old man with end-
stage renal disease (on hemodialysis) with
persistent fevers and leukocytosis. His Tesio
catheter had recently been removed and he was
being treated with antibiotics.
0.5 mCi In-111
labeled autologous leukocytes i.v.
The delayed 24 hour images
demonstrate increased leukocyte accumulation
in the left abdomen and pelvis in the
distribution of the descending colon and
sigmoid. The spleen is absent which by history was removed 20 years ago.
Due to the patient's unstable
condition at the time, no early images could be
obtained. Ideally, when active inflammatory
bowel disease is suspected, early imaging at 4
hours is required for accurate localization of
the site of inflammation. If early images are not
obtained, the labeled leukocytes may be
sloughed into the bowel lumen and be moved
Subsequent CT demonstrated
diffuse colonic bowel wall thickening also
suggestive of pseudomembranous colitis. Stool
cultures demonstrated clostridium difficile, and
the patient responded well to appropriate
Differential Diagnosis List
Infectious enteritis, ischemic enteritis, GI
bleeding, swallowed labelled white blood cells
from an upper or lower respiratory tract
ACR Codes and Keywords:
- General ACR code: 72
- Gastrointestinal System:
References and General Discussion of Indium -111 WBC Scintigraphy (Anatomic field:Gasterointestinal System, Category:Inflammation,Infection)
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Case number: iw005
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